Saturday, November 13, 2010
hot cocoa and a movie night!
Other than the snowfall, there is nothing exciting happening....Everything is pretty cold and damp... I cant wait to get off of work, I think I will stop by the store and buy some stuff for hot chocolate and dinner for my bf and me. The weather today just makes me wanna drink hot cocoa and cuddle up under a blanket and have a movie night!
So that seems like the plan for tonight! Trying to think which movies to watch.....thank goodness for netflix and the ability to watch movies online :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
I did it!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Its that time of year
Well besides all that, I am pretty sure I will quit my apprenticeship tomorrow. Talked the pros and cons through to my boyfriend and we agree that financially it isn't feasible to stay there now without getting paid.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
its been a long time......lets catch up!
i started an apprenticeship for medical coding and billing at a chiropractors office in late september. it is a great oppurtunity for me to get launched into a career. downfalls of this position include :
1. its unpaid for 6 months
2. its 25 miles from home and 5 days a week (approx 35 hours weekly)
3. its a lot of work that the paid employees dont do such as organizing the office files (which at this point in time there is no filing system for patients' charts, what a mess!)
4. they cant really keep employees very long(since i have been there, they have lost at least 6 of their staff members - which to me seems awfully odd)
at this point, i am really questioning whether or not i want to continue with this committment - they could have another apprentice in there exactly like they put me in there. With promises of employment after 6 months, which is such a long time to not receive a single paycheck! I am contemplating if in the end the time and effort will really be worth my time. Especially when i only make a little over $500 a month at my part time job. if anyone else has any input on this matter please leave a comment, i really enjoy the feedback!
About my part time job - pulltabs and bar bingo... I am working slightly more there since our other friday guy quit so since the end of august, i have worked almost every single friday (except 2). Also, one of our saturday people quit so now i have to juggle pulltabs and bar bingo on a rotating schedule for saturdays...oh how i miss only having to do bar bingo on saturdays.
also, in august, my ford taurus (frank-n-furter) broke down. even though he was a beater piece of junk, frankie was mine and i loved that car! it was the head gasket - which at that point was not worth fixing because the entire cooling system was failing (in the 3 weeks prior, i had put about $600 in to replacing various parts in the cooling system - thats just the cost of parts and a tow!) anywho, i have a different car now. a chevy corsica. its another beater but its all i could afford at the time. the corsica is far from perfect - but it runs pretty decently.
oh by the way, i just got home from las vegas last night! it was a pretty fun time. my boyfriend, joseph, and i went down for a week to visit his parents and some friends. of course we did our fair share of gambling and partying! i am exhausted now lol...definately not ready to go back to work tomorrow (almost 12 hours straight tomorrow - ehhh)
well other than that, i've pretty much been struggling to keep my head up above the water. just been trying to better my life and situation.....taking it one day at a time.
peace and love!
Monday, August 2, 2010
So today as I was driving to work, I was thinking about this fun game I like to play with my friends and family when we take car trips. I work about 25 miles from home, so plenty of time goes by while I am driving. Anyways, I have so much fun with the game that I thought I would share it with you. It really makes the trips seem a lot shorter, and kids love it!
The game is called "Score!" There are many different variations and versions of this game, but I will just give you the version that I know and love. The rules of this game are very simple.
- Everytime you see a "score," be the first person to yell score.
- Only residential-type vehicles count. This is the confusing one because no motorcycles, bikes, semi-trucks, work trucks, construction vehicles count. The only type of vehicles that count are cars, vans, and normal pick up trucks.
Alright let's discuss what a score actually is:
- Yellow vehicles, including taxi cabs are worth 1 point
- Police Vehicles, including the undercover vehicles are worth 2 points
- Ambulances are worth 3 points
Now you have everything you need to know about Score. Get out there and enjoy the ride!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
twice in one week.....flat tires
Meanwhile, I have decided to really push forward on finding a second job. I am looking hard and just trying to find anything that will pay the bills!!
Some more of the same old stuff.....I had a garage sale last weekend.....I only made $40 but was really happy to get rid of some stuff!!
I really miss my best friend. I was looking through some old pictures of us and realized how much I really do miss hanging out with her. She is crazy and an amazing person!!! Her 25th birthday is on Sunday (Happy Golden Birthday Quivven!!) and I dont have any money to send her a gift. So I am going to make a photo collage thingy in photoshop and email it to her!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
- blog more
- workout/get in shape
- get another job to make more money
- move out of my dad's house
I am planning on finding some contributors for my "typically positive" blog. If anyone is interested in writing a couple of posts, please email me at for more information. Please put typically positive as the subject. Thank you!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Dude, You're Getting A Dell!
Peace & Love!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Seriously healthy
Hey folks. So I decided that I am really serious about losing weight and getting healthy. I am approximately 130 lbs overweight. And this is the heaviest I have ever been. My family has a history of diabetes and heart problems. So I really wanna kick it in to gear and get started. I want to do this in the healthiest way. I would love to find some people for a support group since this will be hard at times. If anyone has any suggestions on getting started, please let me know.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Creatively Exploring!
Speaking of feedback, I am beginning to wonder who even reads my blog, and if you have any comments on my writing. Anyways, whether you are an avid reader of my blogs or not, I will continue to keep posting my blogs. LOL.
Lately, I have been looking into programming applications for android phones. So I am trying to learn Java and what not. Anyone who knows anything about that or has any ideas of an app they would wabt on the android phone, let me know!!
Well, I hope everyone is doing well. I need to get some sleep. Good night.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
What's the matter with people these days???
Oh my goshness. Too many people, too many problems.
My boyfriend has been crabby lately. We had another petty argument because he threw another tantrum. That's all the details I will say on that matter, because we already talked and resolved things.
One of my close friends, won't stop complaining about how "horrible her life is." She really doesn't have it that bad, but anyways. She has been having an issue with a male coworker who happens to be considerably older than her. He is interested in her and she's not. She asked my advice a few weeks ago and didn't follow it. Now the problem has escalated to basically harassment. I just don't wanna hear the complaints anymore.
A member of my family, who I used to be close to, is really making some bad decisions. It really hurts me how they don't care how their actions affect all of us.
I wanted to keep a bit of confidentiality in this post since it would be more respectful. I just needed to vent a little because everyone seems to be an aggravation trigger this week.
On the bright side, I have a meeting tomorrow for my job and I will be getting my first assignment. Yay. Lol.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
midweek boredom strikes again
Really not much to write about though....It's been really foggy and rainy for the past couple things are kinda eerie and gloomy out....
Here is a few pictures I have found in random places on the web.....I take no credit for them...but they are pretty fab...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Two Month Updates.....Short Version :)
So, to pick up on my last post, I got a perfect on my census test. I got a call back last week and my training starts 2 weeks from today. I will basically be a group visit enumerator. I am very excited to start. I am currently trying to come up with a good playlist of songs that I can listen to while driving around from location to location. Any and all suggestions of songs are welcome!
Let's see...I have done quite a considerable amount driving the past few weeks already. I have been hanging out with my sister, Brittany, a lot lately. She lives about 40 miles away and doesnt have a license right now. Besides that, we having been driving all around since it has been really nice out the past few weeks and taking pictures. It has been a ton of fun. I am planning on putting a lot of the pictures from our travels around the state on my other blog, Typically Photographed. Also, since we have spent a lot of time together lately, we have gotten a lot closer as sisters. Its a little hard to explain it any other way besides saying that my sister is my best friend.
Onto another topic... a very important day is coming up in just under 2 weeks. On the 20th of this month, Joe and I will have been dating for an entire year. So we are trying to figure out what we could do to celebrate. Since we live with my dad, it will be hard and disrespectful to do anything romantic to celebrate at home. However, my dad is going out of town for vacation next week. He leaves Sunday and I'm not certain of the return date, it's either the 20th or 21st.
Friday, January 15, 2010
It's The Weekend Baby!!
Then tomorrow, I have to work at bar bingo. I love that job! Anyhow, my friend Dylan, who I haven't seen in at least 6 months, is supposed to meet up with all of us. So super excited to see him, he used to be one of my best friends like when I first moved back to Minnesota. Then the rest of the weekend will just be me and Joe resting and relaxing. Should be a good time.
I am excited for next week as well. Next Wednesday afternoon, I am going to take the employment test for working with the Census Bureau. I wouldn't find out until at least the middle of February if I got the position, but I am fairly confident. I took their practice test, and got 25 out of 28 correct. That is just over 89% correct. And when I re-read the questions, I realized that I had misread them the first time and that's why my answer was wrong.
I just added counters to all of my blogs and I am excited to see that shortly after that, my hits started to go up. Hope you have a happy Friday!